Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Grasshoppers Are Comming

We are getting early reports of grasshoppers hatching out in many spots in Sanpete County. The grasshoppers that are hatching out are very small at this point and are not noticed by an untrained eye. To see them you will have to get out of the truck or off of the horse and get down on your hands and knees. You may need a hand lens or reading glasses. Do not let their small size fool you. They will grow fast with the hot weather and before you know it they will be mowing down your pastures and crops.

Grasshoppers are like most insect in that they are highly sensitive to insecticides when they are small and not able to travel very far. Treating grasshopper infestations early will improve the effectiveness and save your valuable forages. Utah Department of Agriculture (UDAF) will have a 75% cost share program for grasshopper control on Agriculture lands. To qualify for this program you will need to have your land surveyed by UDAF, USDA-APHIS or USU Extension staff to document the number of grasshoppers. An infestation with a hopper count of over 8 per square yard will qualify for the cost share program. Then the contract will have to be filled and sent in to the UDAF office for 75% cost reimbursement.

Effective grasshopper control programs are accomplished when land owners work together and treat large block of land early in the season.

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